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Should You Own More Than One Drain Pan?

Should You Own More Than One Drain Pan?

When it comes to equipment maintenance, drain pans might seem like a trivial detail. However, their significance becomes evident when you're knee-deep in a project. Let's explore why having more than one drain pan can be a game-changer.


Why Multiple Drain Pans Make Sense

Using separate pans for engine oil and other fluids (like antifreeze or hydraulic oil) prevents cross-contamination and ensures the purity of the fluids, especially if they need to be reused.

Depending on the equipment, the volume of fluid can vary. Having pans of different sizes ensures you're always prepared.


Maintaining Your Drain Pans

Cleanliness is key. So even though drain pans are meant for 'dirty' jobs, keeping them clean is crucial. This is especially true if you are draining and then refilling fluids, like antifreeze.

Using brake or parts cleaner, or even carbon choke cleaner, can help to remove residue. Not only does this prevent dust accumulation, but a clean workspace is always more pleasant.

Choosing the Right Drain Pan

When choosing a drain pan for a job, it's helpful to consider the amount and volume of liquid you'll be working with to ensure the pan can accommodate it.

Look also for sturdy handles for easy maneuvering, especially when dealing with heavy fluids. A spout for easy pouring and features like a filter holder, for example, can be an added advantage.



While drain pans might seem like a basic tool, their importance in a workshop can't be understated. By investing in multiple pans and maintaining them well, you can ensure a smoother, cleaner, and more efficient working environment. Sometimes it's the simple tools that make the biggest difference.

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